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City Passes…
If you are looking to save money during your next trip to a major city either in the United States or the around the world, you should consider an attractions pass.
But first, let’s get the nomenclature out of the way because the names of various attraction passes can be confusing.
Important Attraction Pass Nomenclature
When most people inquire about a ‘City Pass’ they don’t realize this is actually a trademarked name used by the company CityPASS who sell attraction passes in the United States.
So if you mention ‘City Pass’ when not referring to the official CityPASS company, this is technically a copyright infringement.
Yikes, but this is why we are here to help.
In our guides, we always mention attraction passes because this is the proper term to discuss the passes you can purchase in a city to visit attractions.
Now that we got the nomenclature out of the way, let’s explore your options!
What Is An Attractions Pass?
We like to think of an attractions pass as a preloaded entity which comes preloaded with numerous attractions you can visit in a particular city.
For example, a New York Attractions Pass, will contain only New York attractions.
Depending on the pass you purchase, you can visit some or all of the top attractions in a city within a certain time frame decided by the pass company.
There are three main attraction pass companies:
- CityPASS (US and Toronto)
- Go City (US, Europe, Asia and Australia)
- Sightseeing Pass (US based with London and Malaga)
We have personally used in each attraction pass in various cities around the world and we can tell you from experience each pass is not a size fits all solution.
Depending on your travel style and goals, one attraction pass may better suit you over another.
Types Of Attraction Passes
There are two main types of attraction passes you can purchase.
The first if a day based pass and the second is an attraction based pass. Each pass has benefits and drawbacks so let’s explore each one in depth.
Day Based Pass
A day based pass gives you access to a large amount of top attractions. You will then have the amount of corresponding days to visit as many attractions as you can fit into your itinerary.
For example, if you buy a 2 day attraction pass with 75 attractions included, you have 2 days to see as many attractions as possible.
Here are a few pros and cons for a day based pass:
Day Pass Pros: Far more attractions available
Day Pass Cons: Higher price tag for more attraction options and limited time might make it difficult to get through many attractions
Attraction Based Pass
With attraction based passed, you will have access to fewer attractions, but attractions available are generally the top bucket list tourist sites.
You will also be able to visit each attraction over a much longer period of time.
For example, if you purchase a 4 attractions pass, you will have up to 9 consecutive days to visit all 4 attractions.
Here are a few pros and cons for the attractions based pass:
Attraction Pass Pros: Far less overwhelming way to see the top rated attractions and perfect for first time visitors wanting to see the top sights with enough time to enjoy each place
Attraction Pass Cons: You will have to choose between select attraction so you might miss out on one or two attractions with this type of pass
CityPASS Reviews
- California – San Francisco CityPASS Review
- Colorado – Denver CityPASS Review
- New York – New York CityPASS Review
- Washington – Seattle CityPASS Review
Go City Reviews
Sightseeing Pass Reviews
- New York – New York Sightseeing Pass Review
Attraction Pass Comparisons
- New York – New York Pass Comparison
- California – San Francisco Pass Comparison
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